Glory Hole's 1st year

This the event!
I left early.


Anonymous said...

How bitchy to say you left early! The Gloryhole are doing a great job. They are the only place that supports the Gay community who want to have a nightclub space to dance. The drinks are the cheapest in town, great music & fantastic live shows with sexy men & drag queens! Yet you always seem to attack them. You post pictures of an empty dancefloor (I was there - it was Very busy but was cleared to make room for the show)and slag off the acts (quote "nothing to get excited about just the girls from Classic") because you're friends with Oak from B chili. I think it's high time you grew up and reported things without your personal bias. The gay community should support each other. Not use this forum for your own childish attacks. Peter in Phnom Penh X

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